Save time
Spend a little time to check and grade a huge of answer sheet. With OMR, you can get score and all statistics of 10,000 answer sheets within 2 hours by yourself.
Save cost
No need to buy expensive reprinted OMR form. You can design your own form then print on plain paper by normal printer.
100% Accuracy
OMR can read answer sheet without any error.
User-Friendly for everyone
The system provides full features for OMR, flexible, easy and friendly user interface. Just simply scan, this will give you student response, statistic and report automatically.
Support variety of answer key and score
- Support every type and size of answer sheet.
- Support every type of answer key e.g., single answer, multiple answer, numeric answer, relative answer.
Automatic report, student statistic, test analysis
- Score analysis e.g., ranking, percentile, percentage etc.
- Tie Breaker
- Test analysis
- Export to CSV/XLS file.
Advantages of using OMR:
- Enhances the work efficiency and effectiveness as an individual or a team.
- Minimizes chances of human errors.
- Helps students identify the mistakes when they fill the bubbles on OMR sheet.
- Enhances the overall performance of the students for final exam.
- Automatic analysis of the result.
- Reduces cost due to significant time saving and reduction of human effort.
- Facility to capture the images from OMR sheet. It can help the management to store and manage signature and photograph of the students.
- Generation of different kind of reports, even with images.
- The most effective (in respect of cost as well as performance) and fast processing solution available in the market.
- Follows ZET (zero error tolerance) mechanism.
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